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SkillsUSA Ohio


SkillsUSA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit association of 320,000 member students and educators partnering with business and industry to ensure that America has a globally competitive skilled workforce. SkillsUSA's mission is "to empower our members  to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens."

SkillsUSA's Program of Work is delivered through 18,000 SkillsUSA member sections (classrooms) in more than 4,000 public schools (chapters) in all 50 states, Washington DC and two U.S. territories. These schools are comprehensive high schools with career and technical curricula, regional career and technical education centers, and two-year colleges.

One hundred thirty (130) trade, technical and skilled service occupational titles are represented in the curricula of SkillsUSA member students, cover the construction, manufacturing, transportation, health science, information technology, communications, personal services, hospitality, public safety, and engineering technologies industries. 

In February-March 2013, 1,200 SkillsUSA advisors reported:

  • 98% met graduation requirements, compared to the national high school rate of 78% in 2010.

  • Among college and post-secondary SkillsUSA students, 87% completed their degree/certificate programs, compared to the national average of 54%


What do YOU want to do?







What would YOU like to know?

What is SkillsUSA?
What is the skills gap?
How can my business be a part of SkillsUSA?
How can my business benefit from SkillsUSA?
Can I hire SkillsUSA members?
Are there any testimonials from industry?
Who/where do I send payments to?
What are the dates of the events?
I have a question, who should I contact?


"Skills Gap"


You've probably heard about it on TV, read about it online, or know a lot about it already: the "skills gap." There has been a lot of attention and discussion focused on the skills gap in recent years. SkillsUSA looks to face that problem head on.


The "skills gap" is the disparity between the skills U.S. workers have and the skills needed by industry to remain globally competitive. This means the issue isn't that there are not enough jobs in the United States, but that there are not enough qualified candidates for them.




83% of HR professionals say they have had difficulty recruiting suitable candidates
this year.
Source: The Skills Gap 2019., 2019.


44.1% of working-age adults in the state of Ohio have some postsecondary certificates, degrees, or credentials.


64% of Ohio jobs will require a postsecondary
credential by 2020.

The average age of today's tradesperson is 56 years old, with 5 to 15 years until retirement. By 2020, the United States will need roughly 10,000,000 new skilled workers in the industry. Right now, 600,000 skilled jobs are going unfilled. 83% of companies report a moderate to serious shortage of skilled workers and 69% expect the shortage to grow worse within the next 3-5 years. Among ALL U.S. employers, 52% are having trouble filling jobs with technicians, skilled trades, production operators, and laborers being the most difficult to fill.

Where are all the workers? America's viewpoint is contributing to the skills gap. Young generations lack skills and acceptance of trade education, which has resulted in a decline of qualified skilled workers nationwide. Only 1 in every 3 parents would encourage their child to work in a trade. Americans believe tradespeople are important, so long as they're not the ones working those jobs. 

That's where SkillsUSA comes in. We're flipping the script, changing the perception, and making so trades positions are just as coveted as any other, that future generations can look up to tradespeople the same way they do athletes, celebrities, and others. Our members deliver that message for us; performing incredible feats at competition, demonstrating the standard of professionalism, and being the future of America's workforce. 


Industry Partner


  • Have the first opportunity to become engaged in activities within the organization along with gaining exposure in our amazing Career and Technical Centers across the State of Ohio

  • SkillsUSA’s Theme always begins SkillsUSA: Champions at Work-Our members excel in personal skills, workplace skills and technical skills.

  • Our partners help shape out program, industry is how we develop technical standards for contests, develop professional development training and shape our students to become World-class workers.


The following activities are currently open for industry sponsorship. Sponsorship dollars may be designated to a particular piece or applied to a general event cost.


State Officer Program - All Year

Industry Promotional Branding – Polo Shirt and State Officer Apparel

  • Recognition in State Officer Travel

  • Travel/Meal sponsor

  • State Officer Retreat – Opportunity to meet with students and do a 20-minute presentation to officers and their advisors.


Fall Advisor Conference – October 10-11, 2019

Deer Creek Conference Center – 100+ Career and Technical Teachers

  • Networking Opportunities/Display Opportunity

  • 30-minute presentation opportunity - 75+ Career-Technical Teachers from across Ohio

  • Curriculum Sponsor


Fall Leadership Conference – November 14-15, 2019

Greater Columbus Convention Center – 1100+ Students and Advisors

  • Keynote Speaker/Evening Session Sponsor

  • General Session Sponsor – Opportunity to Speak for 20 minutes to 1100+ participants

  • Industry Promotional Branding (logo on shirt, program, newsletter inclusion to all schools, and other opportunities)


Regional Officer Training Institute – January 19-24, 2020 Washington D.C. – 60 Student Leaders and Advisors

  • Bus Travel

  • Dinner/Meal Sponsor

  • Promotional Logo on Polo Shirt/Hat-50+ participants across the state in all 6 regions


State Competition – April 7-8, 2020

Greater Columbus Convention Center – 4000+ students

  • Awards Ceremony – Advertisements throughout 3-hour presentation

  • Stage Presence at awards ceremony -10 minutes

  • Staff Polo Shirt – Promotional Branding

  • Conference T-shirt Promotional Branding

  • Full Page Add in Program

  • Exhibitor Booth Space

  • Promotional Branding on Conference Signs

SkillsUSA Ohio Website – All Year

  • Statewide Newsletter Inclusion Announcing Partnership

  • Website Publication

State Championships Delegate Assembly & Opening Ceremony

The Greater Columbus Convention Center – 400+ Officer Candidates, Delegates and Advisors

  • Advertisements throughout opening ceremony

  • Recognition in Opening Ceremony Presentation

  • Opportunity to speak in front of 500+ students and advisors

  • Meal for delegate session

  • Opportunity to address delegate session – 300+ students and advisors


Summer Leadership Camp – July 15-19, 2019

The Ohio State University-350+Students and Teachers

  • Industry Promotional Branding – Camp t-shirt, statesman book, statewide newsletter

  • Keynote Speaker

  • General Sessions – Opportunity for 20-30 minute talk in from of 250+ students and advisors for across Ohio

  • Curriculum Sponsor

  • Opportunity to speak at planning meeting in front of 25+ advisors for 20-25 minutes

  • Mock Interview Sponsor



SkillsUSA Ohio provides a wide array of competitive and leadership opportunities for students and advisors. The Star Sponsor Program was organized to recognize those individuals and organizations that provide sponsorship for our programs.


Sponsorships come in a variety of ways:


Monetary donations to SkillsUSA Ohio or specific event functions.

In-kind donations of equipment and material.

In-kind donations of personnel to manage and run events.


**Contest Prizes and scholarships do not qualify as a donation to the Ohio Association of SkillsUSA


Sponsorship Levels

(Based on event or corporate level) 


Educational Partner

Donates personnel to serve as Leadership or Event Staff/Coordinators or in-kind support of facility, equipment or resources.


Bronze Star Sponsor -- $1,000 to $2,499

Benefits – Basic recognition in state conference program; one 10 x 10 booth space at state conference; basic listing in sponsor credits at state conference awards ceremonies.


Silver Star Sponsor -- $2,500 to $3,999

Benefits – Recognition in state conference program (up to full page ad, size determined by donation); one 10 x 10 booth space at state conference; listed in sponsor credits at state conference awards ceremonies (size based on donation).


Gold Star Sponsor -- $4,000 to $9,999

Benefits – Formal Recognition at state conference awards ceremonies; up to full page advertisement in state conference program; Complimentary 10x10 booth space at the State Championships. Full Slide recognition at the State Championships. Name announcement during awards and/or opening ceremonies. Conference Shirt Recognition.


Platinum Star Sponsor -- $10,000 and up

Benefits – Up to full page advertisement in state conference program; up to 3-minute video opportunity at state conference opening and/or awards ceremonies. Concourse sign advertising space, opening ceremony speaking opportunity, complimentary 10x10 booth space at the State Championships


Official Corporate Partner -- $25,000 and up

To become an Official Corporate partner of SkillsUSA Ohio, you must be a Platinum Star Sponsor and participate in the SkillsUSA Ohio Championships (state conference) and at least one other SkillsUSA Ohio conference each year. Benefits: Receive recognition and one full page advertisement in each statewide journal and program book. Website Homepage Recognition. 10 Minute speaking opportunity during opening and/or awards at the State Championships. Opportunity to sit on Business and Industry Panel at Fall Leadership Conference, and 10-minute presentation to teachers at Fall Leadership Conference.

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